My Dad: My Best Friend

David Novak

Father's Day is always special for me because I get to celebrate the greatest man I know, Charles Novak, who now also happens to be 87 years young.

What makes my Dad so great is how much he gives to others with absolutely no expectations in return. He's the first to give a helping hand to a neighbor and the last to shirk a responsibility. He has shown me the value of working hard, doing what you say, striving to be your best and always doing the right thing. He's not perfect but almost :)! Just ask my Mom who he's loved with all his heart for 67 years!

Recently, my Mom had some significant health issues. He was at her side everyday, patiently helping her recovery, never complaining one iota. Now Mom is back up to speed, but it was amazing to see how devoted he is to his "little woman."

The fact is everyone who knows my Dad loves him. Dad's never met a stranger and takes a genuine interest in learning about others. He's sharp as a tack, always has a smile on his game face, tells great stories and has a super sense of humor. He's forever young with his attitude, which is why many of his best friends are thirty years younger and invite him to parties, dinners and baseball games.

One of his great traditions is that he makes pancakes at all our family gatherings. He has his own secret recipe and makes them very thin and leathery, topped with his incredible home made syrup. He just keeps piling them on our plate until we scream "no mas" and that's always one pancake too many. We always say we shouldn't have eaten so much but can't wait for the next time we will do the very same thing. And of course, he cleans up the mess at the same time, knowing that "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean".

Dad only has a high school education but worked his tail off to make sure I would be the first in the family to go to college. Thanks to him and my Mom's efforts as well, I did. He's cheered me on through out my career. And recently, he came to Las Vegas with me to watch me give my retirement farewell to the global franchisees of Yum! Brands. We had the time of our life, and he's actually one of the few people I know that walked away from Las Vegas a winner. But you know what, that's really no big surprise when I think about it. My Dad has always been a winner!

Happy Father's Day, Dad, and thanks for being my very best friend, my OGO.

David (aka OGO)

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